What is Doula?
Doula - A doula is a trained non-medical birth and/or postnatal companion who is present throughout a significant health-related experience such as the birth of a child, miscarriage, or death. Their role as a birth and or postnatal doula, is to support you through pregnancy, labour and birth, offering informational, practical and emotional support, they do not give advice however, they can help you to make a well informed decision about your birth. Doulas are beneficial as you will have continuity of carer, which is not always possible in a hospital setting. Doulas are especially valuable if there are no other female family members available to support through pregnancy and birth.
Research has found that women who have the support of a doula during pregnancy and birth are less likely to require;
an assisted birth
a caesarean birth
pain relief
reduced labour
Postnatally your doula will help care for you, your newborn as well as other children in the family, ensuring the smooth running of your family unit. Most packages can be tailored to suit you and your family. Get in touch to find out more about your Doula. Joanne 07720434345 Email Info@lothianmaternitysupport.co.uk
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