Birth & Postnatal Doula

Doula Package

  • Ante-natal and Postnatal Education

  • We provide help and advice to you to help you and your partner prepare for your birth whether it is a natural birth or by caesarean section we have you covered.

  • Labour & Birth Advocacy and Support - Your Midwifery trained Doula will be present throughout labour & birth to offer practical, emotional, informational support and advocacy should you require this.

  • Postnatal Support & Debrief Visit - 6 Hours postnatal care also available in person, plus general support via phone, WhatsApp, regular text, email, 2 weeks following the birth of your child. Further postnatal care can be booked as client requires.

  • Support and Advocacy for antenatal appointments required and throughout birth and early postnatal hours whilst in hospital or at home.

  • Doulas for Mothers, Fathers & the wider family unit to aid smooth transition to parenthood. LMS, also offer help for the entire family unit. Some individuals may have a genuine phobia of hospitals as they can feel very medicalised, we understand this, our supportive doula’s have extensive experience of working within hospitals and will explain any jargon, whilst constantly reassuring you, answering any questions through the entire labour, birth and early postnatal period. We can help with emotional, practical & informational support for both parents with whatever they require, we will happily stay to support mum whilst dad takes a break should he wish, we can also ensure the family unit runs as smoothly as possible, assisting with the household chores, laundry, light cleaning, preparing meals for other family member & caring for other children for example, school pick ups, taking children to parks or for walks. Even pick up some shopping, nothing is too much trouble for us.

  • Full use of pregnancy library and relevant journals can be accessed, as well as up to date research and guidelines set out by National Institute for Care & Health Excellence (NICE) & Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists (RCOG).

  • Your Midwifery Trained Doula will be available on call from 38 weeks of pregnancy until the birth of your baby and early days should you require, our package can always be easily tailored to suit you and your family.

  • LMS UK offer placenta encapsulation at a heavily discounted rate for current clients - call for current offers & quote: LMSVIP

Lothian Maternity Support Doula Service prices include antenatal & postnatal support, in addition to full emotional, evidence based information, empowering you to make an informed choice about your birth & allowing you to effectively advocate yourself. We offer emotional and practical support throughout labour, birth & delivery as well as those early postnatal hours, days and for some, support up to 6 months. Many return for our sleep nanny service!

Call for further informationand to book an inital chat with one of our experienced doulas. Payment plans available for all services.