What does a maternity nurse do?
Our service is based near Edinburgh, Scotland our Maternity Nurses have years of experience in caring for newborns and new mothers, our premier care service covers the entire UK & overseas on a temporary basis between 1 & 12 weeks. LMS can provide a Maternity Nurse Service at short notice (rates may be subject to change).
LMS work only with the strictly vetted Maternity Nurses, ensuring your child and family’s safety all all times. Our staff are all educated to a high standard, completed maternity practitioners certificate along with many other relevant professional qualifications are honest and reliable always PVG & Disclosure &Barring Service DBS validated .
Maternity Nurses can sleep in a separate room or in a room close to your baby, however, our staff must be provided with a bed to rest alittle during a time when your baby sleeps, at night.
Maternity Nurses
Around time of delivery our maternity nurses can be available prior to, or even attend during the birth, immediately caring for mother & child, enhancing regular care given by hospital midwives, especially with those mothers recovering from a cesarean (C-section). Our Maternity Nurses will arrive at the parents home when mother & child have been discharged from the hospital whenever else is convenient.
Maternity Nurses can live-in or live out depending on your requirements assisting with;-
Feeding/Nursing (breast-feeding) whichever your preference
Baby Laundry
Sleep Routine
Generally assisting with all cares for baby assisting mother and smooth running of family unit, our maternity Nursers can also assist with meal prep, light housework, shopping or with helping other siblings with play dates or homework.
If in doubt just ask, we welcome any suggestions you may have.
OFFICE 01506 414114 MOBILE 07720434345 Email: info@lothianmaternitysupport.co.uk
*We do not carry out any clinical work that is the job of the doctors and midwives.